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Bitplay Multi Use Strap 多工機能背帶

Bitplay Multi Use Strap 多工機能背帶

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Customer Reviews
- 真正全面兼顧機能與設計的背帶,體驗帥氣便利的生活風格
- 可單點頸掛 / 側掛 手機及各式配件,內含轉接掛繩可轉換成相機背帶
- 雙扣可拆解,成為包袋背帶,使用繩索扣後成為三點扣帶,穩定行進時的晃動
- bitplay獨創瞬扣夾,便利直覺的方式,快速拆裝 
- 內建安全扣,扣上後可安心使用不怕掉落,附贈 掛繩通用墊片
- 兼容絕大多數 iPhone / Android各式型號手機殼
* o=需置入封閉式底部的手機殼 *
* x=不兼容開放式底部 *

暗夜黑 / 橄欖綠

重量:61g ± 10
尺寸:42 x 3 x 3cm
背帶最長:130 cm
背帶最短:72 cm
材質:Polyester, PC+30% Glass fiber, Stainless steel, Zinc alloy, PC, Rubber
Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • 7-11 Pickup and pay in store (C2C)
  • 7-11 Pickup only (C2C)
  • Family Mart Pickup and pay in store (C2C)
  • Family Mart Pickup only (C2C)
  • 新竹物流 - 常溫
  • Send It By Express Delivery
  • 順豐海外寄件

Payment Options

  • Pay on Family Mart Store Pickup (C2C)
  • Pay on 7-11 Store Pickup (C2C)
  • Cash on Delivery (新竹物流 - 常溫)
  • 退貨 - 請留言附上退款帳號
  • Credit Card
  • Credit Card Installment
  • PayPal Express
Customer Reviews
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